Christopher Lewis
Christopher is a Creative Technologist and Owner with Fire Burns Up Inc. He has over 20 years experience in digital/interactive experience production.
"The tools I use fall into both the creativity and technology buckets." Throughout his career, he has transitioned from Creative Director to Product Manager to Flash Developer to Senior Web Engineer. Regardless of the title, the work has always been to take abstract concepts and turn them into concrete products; scripting and programming are essential tools in that process, but they are not the “work” itself.
Christopher is proud to have worked with the following brands.
Adidas, Amalgamated Transit Union, American Express, Astral, BAE Systems, BMO – Bank of Montreal, Babe Wine, CAMH, CIBC, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Canadian Marketing Awards, Chevrolet, Cialis, Cineplex, Cirque du Soleil, Cymbalta, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, Dell, Diamond, FITC, Fenty Skin, Ford, GM, GlowStone Lighting, Google, H&R Block, HOPE 2220, Harper Collins, JYSK, Jack Daniels, Kinder, Kraft Mac n Cheese, Levi’s, Lululemon, Mini Canada, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), NBC Universal, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Navdy, Nestle, nOs Energy Drink, OLG, Playtex, Porsche, President Cheese, Pringles, RBC, Ritz Carlton Nomad, Rogers, Sago Sago, Samsung, Scotiabank, Seneca College, Shoppers Drug Mart, Smarties, Smirnoff, Sonnet Insurance, Suntrust, TD Canada Trust, The Toronto Zoo, Toyota, Visine, Volkswagen.
Twitch: Major Callisto